Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What Inspection Reports appear on the Pima County Health Department web site?

    Inspections performed on this site include: Food facilities, School Campus grounds, Campgrounds, Public/Semi-Public pool and water features, Lodging, and Mobile Home/R.V. Park grounds.

  2. Does the facility operator get advanced notice of an inspection?

    No, although pre-planned by the inspector, inspections are typically unannounced and conducted without any prior warning.

  3. What happens as a result of an inspection, if serious problems are found?

    Depending on the severity of the issue, the operator is given a specific time to correct the violation or risk further enforcement actions. If the facility has any imminent health hazards that could cause harm to a consumer, the facility will be ordered to close immediately until repairs are made.

  4. What if the operator doesn’t correct a serious problem in the required time?

    The inspector has a number of tools available to bring about compliance with the regulations. Through progressive enforcement, the inspector may use such actions as probationary ratings, closure, and revocation of an operating permit.

  5. How can I request more detailed information about inspections that are not disclosed on the public website?

    Please submit a public records request to obtain a copy of the inspection report. To submit a Public Records Request, please navigate to the Public Records System, here